One King The Album Tracklist
1One King (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 355
2Lightning God (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 490
3Kongoman (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 370
4The Jungle (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 520
5Reggae, Ruler of the World (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 415
6From London to Jam1 (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 450
7Big Bangarang (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 450
8Right Choice (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 370
9Wildfire (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 350
10Jealousy (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 375
11From London to Jam1 (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 320
12Keep On Making Music (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 340
13Conquering Lion (Missing Lyric) Devon Morgan 345