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Spice Marley

by Spice

Spice Marley lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] (Spice Speaking)
[Verse 1] Our Father who art in Heaven Thank you for everything I was given Pray that my sins will be forgiven Multiple my blessings ten times eleven Bine up every tongue that speak against me I beg you wash mi from my head to feet yuh cleanse mi (I beg you wash me from my head to feet you cleansed me) Every day I tell dem dat the Lord defense me (Every day I tell them that the Lord defense me) Fight against all those who fight against mi (Fight against all those who fight against me) Because
[Pre-Chorus] Here I am the one that overcame Everything that was meant to put me down to shame All of my enemies fighting in vain Cause I walk with the spirit of God that proclaim I beg you Lord don’t leave my side Journey with me on this Earthly ride You heal my pain every night that I cried Unda the shadow of the Almighty God I am I (Under the shadow of the Almighty God I am I)
[Chorus] Right now a God a lead mi a keep mi (Right now God is leading me keeping me) My God a lead mi a keep mi (My God is leading me keeping me) Fada God a lead mi a keep mi (Father God is leading me keeping me) My God a lead mi a keep mi (My God is leading me keeping me) Hmm God a cover me like everytime (Hmm God is covering me like everytime) Who nuh like mi guh join di back a di line (Who don’t like me go and join the back of the line) Cause Fada God a lead mi a keep mi (Cause Father God leading me keeping me) My God a lead mi a keep mi (My God is leading me keeping me)
[Verse 2] God di Fada God di spirit di son (God the Father God the spirit the son) Yuh say di battle for me already won (You say the battle for me already won) Chapter one four Ephesians You say you chose us all before creation God a cova mi him done plan mi destiny (God cover me he already plan my destiny) Mek dem stay deh penny mi caah mi nuh penny enemy (Let them stay there watching me cause I don’t watch enemies) Wulla dem full a jealousy (All of them full of jealousy) Burn up all inequity bine up negativity Just gimmi love and unity, full a positivity (Just give me love and unity, full of positivity)
(Repeat Pre-Chorus)

(Repeat Chorus)

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