by Mighty Diamonds
All Mighty Diamonds Songs
1Bad Boy LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 695
2I Need A Roof LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 695
3Africa LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 655
4Jah Will Work It Out LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 610
5Right Time LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 550
6Have Mercy LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 540
7Why Me Black Brother Why LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 535
8Part Time Love LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 525
9Leaders Of Black Country LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 495
10Back Whey LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 490
11Gnashing Of Teeth LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 485
12Country Living LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 480
13Declaration Of Rights LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 475
14Jah Jah Bless The Dreadlocks LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 475
15Natural Natty LYRICS Mighty Diamonds 450