1Uptown lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Yo fuze (Yow Fuze) Common sense uptown downtown(mad) Nuh guy nuh ramp wid Jim Brown (No guy don’t play with Jim Brown) 1brawla music weh dem feel fi do? (What do they feel like doing?) Guh fi dem, Guh fi dem (Noww) (Go for them, go for them (Noww))
[Hook] Slightest ting a mek di darkness risen(run up) (Slightest thing making the darkness risen(run up)) f**kry mi gwan wid yuh know mi nuh christen (f**kry I do you know I’m no christian) Betta listen, Mi nuh sen e enemy guh prison (Better listen, I don’t send enemy to prison) And mi love when yuh feel yuh forgiven(gunman) (And I love when you feel you’re forgiven (gangster))
[Verse 1] If a p**sy dis mi shot it, Blood a drip mi love see graphic murder (If a p**sy diss I shot it, Blood dripping I love seeing graphic murder) People a di topic, tek a step inna mi office (People is the topic, take a step in my office) Anuh if yah guh dead a jus when? (It’s not if you’re going to die it’s just when?) (Watch da style ya) ((Watch this style here) Crime mi nuh cut lef dem watch e road ute (Crime I don’t leave them watch the road youth)
[Chorus] Deven a chat long (Lock chat) (Not even talking long (stop chat)) Yo straight to di action chalk up, picha tek no caption(none) (Yo straight to the action chalk up, picture take no caption (none)) Shot tun bowy inna tracks man, cyaa murda mi deal wid no option (Shot turn boy in tracks man, can’t murder me, deal with no option) Morrow fly if yuh slip no traction(Duppy dem) (Morrow fly if you slip no traction (kill them)) Dweet if yuh feel seh fi run up(run) (Do it if you feel to run up (run)) March wid mi steel an mi corrupt(corrupt ute) (March with my steel and I’m corrupt (corrupt youth)
[Verse 2] Madda affi ask why mi love e darkness(how yuh love it suh) (Mother have to ask why I love the darkness (why do you love it like that) Green laser beam and a dozen cartridge (Green laser beam and a dozen cartridge) (Brrrp) Explosive bomb a drop yuh cyaa live, Brawla weh di rifle wid e scope deh, pass it (Explosive bomb dropping you can’t live, Brawla where is the rifle with the scope, give me it) Cause a it me aguh use fi spray di car, mi mark it(bup bup) (Cause I’m going to use it to spray the car, I mark it(bup bup)) SRL bomba man a hamma rass it and mi brawling wid it (SRL bomber I’m hammering and I’m brawling with it) ave mi gun pon mi hip(yo watch it) watch e chat from yuh lip (Have my gun on my hip (yo move) watch the chat from your lip) yuh wi dead very quick(bup bup) (You will die quick (bup bup))
(Repeat Chorus)
[Verse 3] Nuh bwoy nuh test a mi rifle mi tek an yuh head lef yuh neck a mi table it deh pon (No boy test I take my rifle and make your head leave your neck it’s on my table) Guh ask mi second dem drop by di second (Go ask me, they drop by the second) Dem youth ya send treat and dem nah lock nuh weapon(Mad) (These youths send treat and they’re not locking no weapon (mad)) To how mi evil(Dark) (To how evil I am (Dark)) Mi love kill people, tell a p**sy try test (I love to kill people, tell a p**sy try test) Guh fi dem, Guh fi dem (Go for the, go for them)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Outro] See how mi evil yuh betta doh f**k up (See how evil I am you better don’t f**k up) (haha)Mi affi dark man (I have to be dark man) Guh fi dem, Guh fi dem. (Go for them, go for them.)
Lyrics submitted by Shaii
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