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By The Grace Of God

by Grace Thrillers

By The Grace Of God lyrics with English Translations

By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved By the grace of God, I am saved
Glory, glory, oh yes, Jesus Lord, Hallelujah, 'lujah, 'lujah By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved
I have been walking hand in hand with Jesus That's why I'm saved, hmm, Lord I have been walking hand in hand with Jesus That's why I'm saved
Glory, glory, glory, glory Lord, Hallelujah, 'lujah, 'lujah By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved

I have been walking hand in hand with Jesus That's why I'm saved, hmm, Lord I have been walking hand in hand with Jesus That's why I'm saved, oh yes
Glory, glory, oh, Jesus Lord, Hallelujah, 'lujah, 'lujah By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved
By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved By the grace of God, I am saved, oh yes
Glory, glory, glory, glory Lord, Hallelujah, 'lujah, 'lujah By the grace of God, Lord, I am saved

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