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by Rygin King

Cheddar lyrics with English Translations

[Intro 1] All I have in this world is my Balls And my word And I don’t break them for no one
[Intro 2] Chedda Chedda (Cheddar Cheddar) Hawt king Chop King (Hot king Chop King) Young rich, murdah (Young rich, murder) Ye, nuh pay dem nuh mind (Ye, don’t pay them no mind) Money pon mi mind (Money on my mind) Ye dawg murdah (Ye dog murder) Young rich tell dem dis (Young rich tell them this)
[Chorus 1] A jus’ di money pon mi mind (It’s just the money on my mind) Mi a talk bou di Chedda Chedda (I’m talking about the Cheddar Cheddar) (Cash) And if dem like si how di Cranberry nice (And if they like see how the Cranberry nice) Mek eh Henny betta (Make the Henny better) Mi jus’ count six mil and waah six more mil breda (I just count six mil and want six more mil brother) (Six mil) Sand Bay mi seh (Sandy Bay I say) Montpella (Montpella) (Montpelier (Montpelier)) Mobay
[Verse 1] Yow, young rich (Yo, young rich) Big whip, recline seat Mi Stig ship (My Stig ship) Shi lick d**k (She lick d**k) Shi like dis, Addicted Di thick brick deh side mi but mi Glock chip (The thick brick here side me but my Glock’s chip) Mi stay clean (I stay clean) Mi point, mi liva kratch mi (I point, my liver scratches me) Nights,shi come looking for di right b*tch (Nights, she come looking for the right b*tch) Di ex is at di house nuh mek shi ride in (The ex is at the house don’t make she ride in) Mi puff mi spliff an’ wull a medz luk pon mi life (I puff my spliff and hold a meditation look on my life) Wi young and wi rich an’ wi jus inna wi prime (We’re young and we’re rich and we’re just in our prime)
[Chorus 2] A jus’ di money pon mi mind (It’s just the money on my mind) Mi a talk bou di Chedda Chedda (I’m talking about the Cheddar Cheddar) (Cash) And if dem like si how di Cranberry nice (And if they like see how the Cranberry nice) Mek eh Henny betta (Make the Henny better) Mi jus’ count six mil and waah six more mil breda (I just count six mil and want six more mil brother) Sand Bay mi seh (Sandy Bay I say) Montpella (Montpella) (Montpelier (Montpelier)) Mobay
[Verse 2] Hear mi nuh, (Hear me now,) More money pon more money (More money on more money) We got dat (We got that) Mi Glock match mi Black Drop mi top dat (My Glock match my Black Drop my top that) Sumn red run out a boy head back (Something red run out boy’s head back) Young rich mi jussa represent fi di chop (Young rich I’m just representing for the chop) Lef uno money mi seh, guh weh with u bucket hat (Leave y’all money I say, go away with your bucket hat) Every Ghetto youth fi rich ( Every Ghetto youth should rich) Nuh badda wull wi back (Don’t bother hold us back) Mi want a Plane,couple House (I want a Plane,couple House) And a couple Yacht Mi and mi friend dem a real young rich niggas (Me and my friends are real young rich niggas)
(Repeat Chorus 2)

[Bridge] Young rich, yea dawg (Young rich, yea dog) A jus di money pon mi mind (It’s just the money on my mind) Mi a talk bou di Chedda Chedda (I’m talking about the Cheddar Cheddar) Dun know, enuh (Already know, you know) Young rich Chop king Wi living betta (We living better) Dancehall baddest ting (Dancehall baddest thing) Yea dawg (yea dawg) (Yea dog (yea dog))
(Repeat Verse 1)

(Repeat Chorus 2)

[Chorus 3] Young rich Hear mi nuh (Hear me now) A jus’ di money pon mi mind (It’s just the money on my mind) Mi a talk bou di Chedda Chedda (I’m talking about the Cheddar Cheddar) (Cash) And if dem like si how di Cranberry nice (And if they like see how the Cranberry nice) Mek eh Henny betta (Make the Henny better) Mi jus’ count six mil and waah six more mil breda (I just count six mil and want six more mil brother) Sand Bay mi seh (Sandy Bay I say) Montpella (Montpella) (Montpelier (Montpelier)) Mobay Young rich

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