Crawsis lyrics with English Translations

[Chorus] Aye gyal yuh a crawsis (Hey girl, you're trouble) But bring yuh p**sy come cause mi want it now (But bring your vagina because I want it now) Two a wi at it till di morning come dis a how it feel fi fall in love (Both of us are at it until the morning comes, this is how it feels to fall in love) Aye gyal yuh a crawsis a weh yuh deh cuz mi waan link up (Hey girl, you're trouble, where are you because I want to meet up) Deh supm deh weh inna yuh drawz print out (That something in your underwear print out) A duh mi head a way and mi cant let guh (Doing my head away and I can't let go)
[Verse 1] And mi nuh want nuh man weh every gyal f**k already (And I don't want a man who has slept with every girl) A yuh mi want nuh need yuh money fi mi nuff already (It's you I want, I don't need your money, I have enough already) Wi can’t deh f**k and yuh wah deh f**k all a gyal plan yuh funeral cuz wi toxic (We can't be having sex, and you want to be having sex with all the girls, planning your funeral because we're toxic) Suh pick one honeymoon or casket? (So pick one, a honeymoon or a casket?) A real top gyal yuh want or plastic? (Do you want a genuine top girl or someone fake?) Yuh betta control yuh c**k mi will lose character and tings might jus end up (You better control your penis, I might lose my composure and things might just end up)
[Bridge] Aye mi ramp ruff mi warn yuh don’t play wen mi cross mi cross suh den nuh cross mi (Hey, I play rough, I'm warning you, don't play with me, when I'm crossed, I’m crossed so don't cross me) Becaaw yuh won’t find mi back if yuh lost mi (Because you won't find me back if you lose me) And yuh a crawsis (And you're trouble)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Verse 2] And if mi dweet mi wrong but if yuh dweet yuh right (And if I do it I’m wrong, but if you do it you’re right) And mi nuh short a man yuh betta treat mi right (And I'm not lacking man, you better treat me right) And mi nuh want fi cuss mi wah f**k tonight yuh betta find some weh sleep tonight (And I don't want to argue, I want to have sex tonight, you better find somewhere to sleep tonight) Shaneil weh mi wah fi sleep a inside a uh and uh know yuh wrong yuh just nuh like fi lose (Shaneil where I want to sleep is inside of you, and you know you're wrong, you just don't like to lose) f**k yuh know yuh nuh like di truth true yuh can’t tie mi try guh tie yuh shoes girl (f**k you know you don't like the truth, that's why you can't tie me, try to tie your own shoes, girl)
(Repeat Bridge)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Verse 3] Dem seh wi toxic enuh but shi jus chat chat too much (They say we're toxic, but she just talks too much) That’s wi always a cuss but still wi not giving up (That's why we're always arguing, but we're still not giving up) Because mi can’ get enuff nuh matta how much wi cuss (Because I can't get enough, no matter how much we argue) A juss mi mada a di reason why mi can’t guh put yuh fuss (It's just my mother that's the reason why I can't put you first) Den a me by uh side but know if uh break mi heart mi bruck uh pride (Then it's me by your side, but you should know that if you break my heart, I'll lose my pride) God know a di f**k yuh give mi (God knows the love you give me) Yuh give mi life can’t count all a di ways yuh messing with my mind (You give me life, I can't count all the ways you're messing with my mind)
(Repeat Bridge)
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Shaneil Muir's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "Crawsis" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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