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by Chronic Law

Crossroads lyrics with English Translations

[Verse 1] Mi deh pon a road (I'm on a road) Weh nuh chiney cyaah fix (Where no chinese can't fix) Deh inna war wid miself mi chargie (Here in war with myself my chargie) Still a si dark clothes but nuh rain (Still seeing dark clothes but no rain) Nuh fall yet (Don’t fall yet) Life weh mi live a it a mek mi start fret (Life that I live it’s making me start fretting) Ahhhhhhhh Mi si di light but mi live di darkness (I see the light but I live the darkness) Snakes lef poison venom (Snakes leave poison venom) Inna law flesh (In a law flesh) Stop drink liquor Mi nuh guh weh nuh bar deh (I don’t go where no bar is)
[Chorus] Nuh matta wah (No matter what) Yuh si pain yuh cyaah run from it (You see pain you can’t run from it) Mi drink, mi smoke (I drink, I smoke) And it come back Mi feel di same wen tears dun fall (I feel the same when tears finish fall) Yow yow (Yo yo) Mi jus know seh pain yuh can learn from it (I just know that pain you can learn from it) Dis journey ruff dawg (This journey is rough dog) Mi feel like mi destroy mi love last (I feel like I destroy my love last)
[Verse 2] Yow yow (Yo yo) Mi deh pon a flight turbulence start (I’m on a flight turbulence start) Mi did a try si di light (I was trying to see the light) But di vision dark (But the vision is dark) A try escape from the thing name past (Trying to escape from the thing name past) And gallon back pon eh runway name flask (And go back on the runway name flask) Wi ave it dawg nuhbaddi nuh perfect a tall (We have it dog nobody isn’t perfect at all) Di sun hawt but dah world ya nuh warm (The sun’s hot but this world isn’t warm) Cold world eh guh wid mi cold heart (Cold world it goes with my cold heart)
[Verse 3] Mi jus' affi work wid eh pain (I just have to work with the pain) Everyweh mi turn a di same (Everywhere I turn is the same) Seh dah girl deh a yours den yuh (Say that girl is yours then you’re) Shame seh di dawg a yuh killer (Shame that the dog is your killer) Den a wah mek yuh gun a turn tuh yuh brain? (Then what make your gun turn to your brain?) All wen yuh nuh si light post (Even when you don’t see light post) Energy a drain (Energy draining)
[Bridge] But mi just affi deal wid it (But I just have to deal with it) Dun know who nuh real wid mi (Already know who isn’t real with me) Nothing cyaahh change a people dis (Nothing can’t change this is people) Anyweh yuh turn dawg (Anywhere you turn dog)
(Repeat Chorus)

[Outro] Yow yow (Yo yo)

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