Hamants Convo Pt. 2 lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Tired ah all Instagram (Tired of even Instagram) An’ all Twitta enuh, (And even Twitter you know,) Bredda (Brother) Di people ah come like some big ediat (These people are like some big idiot) People nah tan ah dem yard (People aren’t staying at their yard?) Joke ting (Almighty, ah next phone ah ring enuh) ((Almight, a next phone is ringing) Ah who dat ah call? (Who’s that calling?)
[Verse 1] Rassclaat! Wicked man Chris! Wah gwan bredda-bredda? (What’s going on brother-brother?) (Hahaha, deh yah enuh Genna-Genna) ((Hahaha, here you know Genna-Genna)) Mad (Reach back ah New York) ((Reach back at New York)) (Inna di deva weather) ((In the deva weather)) Yeah (Gyal dem feel happy see di genna deh yah) ((Girls them feel happy to see the Genna here)) Yow easy nuh Chris (Yo easy now Chris) Mad ting as usual (Mad thing as usual) (Yeah) Drop inna di place an’ rise up ah new gyal (Drop in the place and rise up a new girl) (Yeah, yuh mean new girls, plural) ((Yeah, you mean new girls, plural)) (Mi nuh worry 'bout Keisha) ((I don’t worry about Keisha)) (Dem Keisha dem ah loose gyal) (( Keisha is a loose girl) Hahaha (Mi find ah gyal weh hotter) ((I found a girl that’s hotter)) Wah yuh seh, she proper? (What you say, she’s proper?) (Sexy and fatter!) Suh yuh ah deal wid it mi shotta? (So your dealing with it my shooter?) (Cool nuh Govi-Govi,) ((Cool now Govi-Govi,) (Yuh know di gyal luv choppa) (You know the girl love choppa) Yeah (Guess ah who?) ((Guess it’s who?) Who dat? (Who that?) (Keisha friend, Tasha) Alright, Tasha wid e broad thighs? (Tasha with the broad thighs?) (Yeah) Small waist Tasha, Wid di horse eye? (With the horse eye?) (Yeah) Have ah tattoo pon har pums wid ah butterfly? (Have a tattoo on her vagina with a butterfly?) (Yeah man, ah yellow butterfly wid cast eye) (Yeah man, a yellow butterfly with cast eye)) (Yuh know har?) ((You know her?)) Yeah man, mi know har, (Yeah man, I know her,) But mi nuh know har so gud (But I don’t know her so good) (Eee) Mi know she born fi suck hood (I know she was born to suck hood) (Real ting) ((Real thing)) Har tongue bore and she wear braces (Her tongue’s pierced and she wears braces) An’ drive ah likkle red van, (And drive a little red van,) But di tire dem nuh gud (But the tires aren’t good) (Nah man, mi buy har ah Mark X, ((No man, I bought her a Mark X,)) (Button press) (Bare ten grand US mi send har,) ((A lot of ten grand US I send her,) (Nuhn less) ((Nothing less)) Ah lie! (Shi ah virgin,) ((She’s a virgin,) Suh yuh know di supm bless) (So you know the something’s bless)) Virgin?! (Yeah man,) (Ah mi out first touch di breast) ((It’s me out first touch the breast)) (How yuh know shi suck hood?) ((How you know she sucks hood?)) Hahaha, Jus’ ah lucky guess (Just a lucky guess) Likkle advice though, (Little advice though,) Dooh suck e breast (Don’t suck the breast) (Alright DJ, mi aguh tek yuh advice) ({(Alright DJ, I’m going to take your advice)}} Chris, Memba seh dem gyal ah wicked an’ lie (Remember these girls are wicked and lie) (Hahaha,) (Dah one yah different man, mi really trust har) ((This one is different man, I really trust her)) Heh-hey! Suppose mi tell yuh seh all mi did f**k har? (Suppose I tell you that even me did f**k her?) Yuh know wah? (You know what?) F**k dat, mi done chat (F**k that, I’m done talking) Last time mi tell yuh bout Keisha, (Last time I told you about Keisha,) Dem seh mi love chat (They say I love talking)
[Chorus] Wen di gyal dem gi' yuh supm, (Wgen the girls give you something,) Don’t talk Don't tell nobody 'bout di hotel (Don't tell nobody about the hotel) Don't show nobody weh yuh buy fi har (Don’t show nobody what you bought for her) Don't tell nobody weh di Rose sell All wen yuh ketch har tongue inna mi ear (All when you catch her tongue in my ear) Mi ah tell yuh mi nuh f**k it, (I’m telling you I didn’t f**k it,) Mi ah bring it to di grave (I’m bringing it to the grave) Si mi pon video, wuk it like slave (See me on video, working it like slave) Mi ah tell yuh anuh mi, (I’m telling you it’s not me,) Mi ah bring it to di grave (I’m bringing it to the grave)
[Verse 2: (Moovementz) & Govana] (Almighty, wah gwan?) ((Almighty, what’s going on?)) Nuh Chris again? (It’s Chris again) (Chris again?) (Dis again?) ((This again?)) Yow, di man miss again (Yo, the man missed again) (Boop inna him, send fi Firestick again) ((Hit in him, send for Firestick again)) Yuh 'memba di gyal weh Keisha bring (You remember the girl that Keisha brang) Fi mi f**k? (For me to f**k?) (Which one ah dem? Di slimmaz?) ((Which one of them? The slimmers?) Nah man, di thicker fren (No man, the thicker friend) (Yow mi just deh pon di 'gram) ((Yow I was just on the gram) (An’ run through har picture dem) ((And run though her pictures them)) Den ah Chris ah wife it up? (Then it’s Chris wifing it up?) (How dis happen?!) ((How this happen?) Moovementz, Mi d'even know dawg, big drama (I don’t even know dog, big drama) Feel mi aguh tell him don't own di ting, (Feel I’m going to tell him don’t own the thing) Karma (Yuh mad?) ((Your mad?)) ('Member when yuh tell him 'bout Keisha?) (Remember when you told him about Keisha?) (And di wul world wan' kill yuh,) ((And the whole world want kill you,)) (Seh yuh ah informer?) ((That your informer?)) Bare batta ears gyal di man choose fi fall (A lot of trashy girls the man choose to fall) (Him still deh pon di phone?) ((He’s still on the phone?)) Yeah man, But mute di call (But mute the call) (Di call nuh mute,) ((The call not mute,)) Yuh a try style man ((You are trying to style man,}) (But yuh ting fail) ((But your thing failed)) Anuh yuh mi a talk Chris (It’s not you I’m talikng Chris) (Den ah who?!) ((Then it’s who?!)) Chris Gayle (Oh)
[Bridge] All wen yuh ketch har tongue inna mi ear (All when you catch her tongue in my ear) Mi ah tell yuh mi nuh f**k it, (I’m telling you I didn’t f**k it,) Mi ah bring it to di grave (I’m bringing it to the grave) Si mi pon video, wuk it like slave (See me on video, working it like slave) Mi ah tell yuh anuh mi, (I’m telling you it’s not me,) Mi ah bring it to di grave (I’m bringing it to the grave)
[Outro] (True man DJ, fi real) ((True man DJ, for real)) (DJ, wait deh, wait deh, wait deh, wait deh, (wait deh) Wait there,))}} (Wait deh) ((Wait there,))) (Mi forgot fi ask yuh) ((I forgot to ask you)) (Yow) ((Yo)) Yeah (Yuh nuh 'member-) ((You don’t remember-)) (Yuh 'member di gyallis class ting?) ((You remember the player class thing?) Yeah man (Yes!) (Cah watch yah) ((Cause watch here)) (Mi have two dawg from England) ((I have two dogs from England)) (Weh go through di same ting) ((That went though the same thing)) (Yeah man,) (Mi have ah friend, him-) (I have a friend, him-)) (Yeah man,) Mi have ah fren weh have fren, (I have a friend that have friend,) (Weh him gyal) ((That his girl)) (Ah gi' him bun wid ah friend) ((Is cheating with a friend)) True, Mi ah dweet pon Zoom bredda (I’m doing it on Zoom brother) (Ah n'even s-) ((Ahh dont s-)) (Not even seh forty) ((Don’t even say forty)) (Cooyah!) ((Look here!)) Yeah man Yeah, alright mad Just ah hold mi fam, yeah? (Just a hold my fam, yeah?) My G! Wah gwan flat 'tomach (What’s going on flat stomach) Babe, Tasha is coming over later What you think? (Yuh see yuh, yuh ah gyallis) ((You born as a player)) (Yuh born as ah gyallis) ((You born as a player)) (Yuh grow as ah gyallis) ((You grow as a player)) (Yuh live as ah gyallis) ((You live as a player)) (Deadly) (Cooyah!) ((Look here!))
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Govana's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "Hamants Convo Pt. 2" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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