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I Am De Man

by Mutabaruka

I Am De Man lyrics with English Translations

I am the man You love to hate Sitting in the slums of Ghost town, trench town Back o' wall, no clothes To hide my nakedness Filth and mosquitoes smelling Bitin' 400 years of black flesh Scarred by whips and sticks I am the man Locks entangled in Your nightmares of Medusas and gorgons Unkept religious beliefs That pierce the side of Your Jesus in the sky Your vinegar has turned to blood Your water to mud crucifix Chokin' on your life Of neo-colonialistic attitudes Yes I am de man That came in Clouds of ganja smoke Choking you to death Yet not killing you My eyes seein' a black god Casting doubt in your Mind about your Unexposed spirtual bein' Black shadows Castin' clear pictures Of an existance Drowned by False concepts of reality Black was beauty Until I walked With my barefeet Touchin' your Tar-ry pavements of Sadistic heat
You would have accepted I If I came via Times magazine or Vogue If only you were exposed to life Beyond your middle class gate
I am the man You lov to hate Look, I am now your Next door neighbour

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  • 910

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