I Love My Life lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] A 'Marco! (It’s ‘Marco!) Star Kutt... I love my life (I love my life) I love my life (I love my life) I love my life, I love my life (yeahhhh)
[Chorus] None ah wi nuh know (None of us don’t know) Weh tomorrow may bring (What tomorrow may bring) Cause di future deh hours away (Cause the future is hours away) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today) Mi a live my life today, yeah (I’m living my life today, yeah) Suh lowe mi, (So leave me,) Mek mi talk wha' mi waan fi talk, (Make me talk what I want to talk,) Mi have nuff fi say (I have a lot to say) Suh mi ago live my life today (So I’m going to live my life today) Mi ago live my life today (I’m going to live my life today) Suh everybaddi help mi sing it out (So everybody help me sing it out)
[Hook] Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today)
[Verse 1] Mek a change, (Make a change,) Don’t make nobody stress yuh (Don’t make nobody stress you) Don't mek nuh blood pressure (Don’t make no blood pressure) Mek yuh life lef' yuh (Make your life leave you) Neva yuh hurt a soul, (Never you hurt a soul,) Unless yuh haffi defend yuhself (Unless you have to defend yourself) If dem try test yuh (If they try test you) Thank God fi mi life, yes (Thank God for my life, yes) Mi wake up dis mawning and alive, yes (I woke up this morning and alive, yes) Mek dem gwaan judge, (Make then keep judge,) Nuhbaddi nuh perfect, (Nobody is perfect,) And Father God alone bring brightness If yuh nuh like wha' mi seh, (If you don’t like what I say,) Go find the Lord Mi nuh have nuh time fi di war, (I don’t have no time for the war,) Cause times so hard (Cause times so hard) Dem nah mad mi, (They aren’t madding me,) Mi nah guh nuh psycho ward (I’m not going no psycho ward) Or guh join di morgue (Or go join the morgue) Enjoy mi life a Yaad (Enjoy my life at Yard) Few friends weh me have weh dear to mi (Few friends that I have that’s dear to me) Mi nuh trust people, (I don’t trust people,) Suh mi choose dem carefully (So I choose them carefully) Dem heart nuh clean, (Their heart not clean,) Suh dem cyan come near to mi (So they can’t come near to me) Cyan compare to mi (Can’t compare to me)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Hook] Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today)
[Verse 2] Cho! (Ugh!) Neva mek nuhbaddi get di best ah yuh (Never make nobody get the best of you) Luk pon di person inna di mirror, (Look on the person in the mirror,) Pon di dresser too (On the dresser too) Tell yourself seh, (Tell yourself that,) “Yuh nah go mek dem pressure yuh" (“You not going to make them pressure you") An’ live life to di fullest, (And live life to the fullest,) Dat yuh betta duh (That you better do) Jus’ believe mi, (Just believe me,) Mi know life nuh easy (I know life’s not easy) Nuff ah wi neva born (A lot of us never born) Wid gold spoon fi feed wi (With gold spoon to feed us) Nuh be greedy, (Don’t be greedy,) Set a pace inna life and achieve eh (Set a pace in life and achieve it) Listen to mi keenly (Listen to me keenly) Mi luv mi L.I.F.E until it lef' mi (I love my L.I.F.E until it leaves me) Mi a gwan keep happy (I’m continuing keep happy) And pray to Father God, Seh old age catch mi (That old age catch me) Mi a beg yuh Father, bless mi (I’m begging you Father, bless me) Guide and protect mi (Guide and protect me) Fi every wrong move (For every wrong move,) Weh mi mek inna di streets, correct me, yeah (That I make in the streets, correct me, yeah)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Hook] Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Oh oh Mi love my life (I love my life) Suh mi a live my life today (So I’m living my life today)
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Demarco's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "I Love My Life" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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