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Judgement Time

by Junior Ross

Judgement Time lyrics with English Translations

Too late, mercy gone, Judgement come
I can hear the children, singing, now I can hear the trumpet, sounding, yes
A Judgement time, a Judgement time A Judgement time, a Judgement time
Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come
All who sow bitter seed now, yes Them a go reap bitter wheat, yeah You can't plant corn and reap peas What you sow you'll have to reap, yeh
Wicked a go feel it, weeping and moaning Wicked a go feel it, men a go bawl
Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come
A Judgement time, a Judgement time A Judgement time, a Judgement time

Yes No mercy Jah, no, no
Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come Too late, too late - mercy gone, a Judgement come
A Judgement time, a Judgement time A Judgement time, a Judgement time

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