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Likkle Miss

by Skeng

Likkle Miss lyrics with English Translations

[Verse 1] And mi seh hey likkle miss (And I said hey little miss) Look how yuh nipple dem stiff (Look how your nipples stiff) Gunman mek yuh miss yuh appointment b*tch (Gangster make you miss your appointment b*tch) Yuh suck d**k ye mi luv bad b*tch (You suck d**k ye I love bad b*tch) Twerk fi di wul gang inna yuh throat mi a spit (Twerk for the whole gang in your throat I’m spitting) Dancehall need dis (Dancehall need this) Di wul place shake it (The whole place shake it) Boom boom di gyal spit pan di gunman d**k (Boom boom the girl spit on the gangster’s d**k) Baby yuh waan dis? (Baby you want this?) No mi dooh spoil b*tch (No I don’t spoil b*tch) Dawg all offa sudden shi nuh badda waan mi (Dog all after sudden she don’t bother want me)
[Chorus] Mi neven feel nuh way dawg (I don’t even feel any way dog) A next catty deh yah a wait inna di yard (A next girl here waiting in the yard) And if shi f**k around a same ting dawg (And if she’s f**king around it’s same thing dog) A fada bad gang a mi di gyal want and a neva my fault (It’s father bad gang it’s me the girl want and it’s never my fault) Gyal kak up mek mi f**k yuh dessuh (Girl hoist up let me f**k you there) Anuh nuhn if yuh snap a video (It ain’t anything if you snap a video) Synonym nuh mek yuh [?] di muckle (Synonym don’t make you [?] the muckle) Yah roll wid eh gang den yuh nah get nutn (You are rolling with the gang then you aren’t getting anything) Gyal kak up mek mi f**k yuh dessuh (Girl hoist up let me f**k you there) Anuh nuhn if yuh snap a video (It ain’t anything if you snap a video) Synonym nuh mek yuh [?] di muckle (Synonym don’t make you [?] the muckle)
[Verse 2] Shi waah boom pan c**ky like seh shi naav sense (She want to bounce on the d**k like she have no sense) A dat a wen molly buss inna har head (And that is when molly burst in her head) Bay gunman deya, feel safe inna harself (A lot of gangsters is here, she feels safe) Shacko seh fi fling one inna di head (Shacko said to fling one in the head) Top banks marksman yeah wi duh dis often (Top banks marksman yeah we do this often) Killa dem brawlin an’ wanted an’ haunted (Killers bold and wanted and haunted) Craig Town know di vibe, (Craig Town know the vibe,) Jungulist weh Grants Pen di wul summer get f**k dem fi know who nah nuh sense (Junglist at Grants Pen the entire summer get f**k they should know who don’t have sense)
(Repeat Chorus)

(Repeat Verse 2)

[Outro] Mi neven feel nuh way dawg (I don’t even feel any way dog) Yow DropTop (Yo DropTop)

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