Richer Than Rich lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Mhmm Wild crocodile Mhmm
[Verse 1] Yeah Yow, YG Badmind people nuh like wi (Badmind people don’t like us) Dem see mi picture pon IG (They see my picture on IG) Think mi rich, ah DM mi bou, (Think I’m rich, Dm me about) (“Wassup?”) YG Records
[Verse 2] Skilla dan Christie A Madrid (Skiller than Chtistie A Madrid) Man solid (Man’s solid) Dooh mek mi put di red beam (Don’t let me put the red beam) Pon yuh farrid (On your forehead) Street side college Anuh UWI gimi knowledge (UWI didn’t give me knowledge) From di four twenty one Well bad A savage Change mi ways now House ave stairs now (House has stairs now) Pull up inna di Honda mi change (Pull up in the Honda I’ve changed) Eh gear now (The gear now) Songs pon radio (Songs on radio) Neva get played out (Never got played out) Cyaah keep up caah (Can’t keep up because) Wi nuh travel di same route (We don’t travel the same route)
[Chorus 1] Tell dem a richa dan rich (Tell them it’s richer than rich) Man naah stay poor (Man isn’t staying poor) Cyaah stay poor (Can’t stay poor) Mi kno di board house (I know the board house) Wid e zinc dem bore (With the zincs bore) Regula wi sleep paa floor (Regular we sleep on floor) Yow (Yo) A richa dan rich (Richer than rich) Man naah stay poor (Man not staying poor) Mi cyaah stay poor (O can’t stay poor) Kno oh long Neko Blacks (Know how long Neko Blacks) Waah tour (Want to tour) Annette waah buil’ eh house (Annette wants to build a house) Wid e top floor (With the top floor)
[Verse 3] Missa badmind (Badmind) Lowa yuh voice (Lower your voice) Yuh nuh kno bou (You don’t know about) Well bad life Wah yuh kno bou hungry (What do you know about hunger) A fight wid yuh stripe (Fighting with your stripe) As yuh buy a new suit (As you buy a new suit) Dem seh yuh hype (They say your hype) Neva switch fi di likes (Never switch for the likes) Mi nuh rich ova night (I didn’t rich over night) Mi ex gudly vex seh mi buy a X5 Neva badmind a ute weh did a rise (Never envy a youth that was rising) Been thru di worse (Been through the worse) An’ deh yassuh a smile (And I’m here smiling)
[Repeat Chorus 2] Rich a dan rich (Richer than rich) Man naah stay poor (Man not staying poor) Wen mi a voice (When I’m voicing) Mi si all who did a snore (I saw all who were snoring) Three thousand feet Mi de inna di sky a sore (I’m in the sky soring) An’ a think bou life (And thinking about life) An’ all a mi goalz (And all my goals) Mi deh pon di pro tools (I’m on the pro tools) Lik seh a Banga phone (Like it’s a Baha phone) If mi nuh si nuh money (If I don’t see any money) Den mi naah guh home (Then I’m not going home) Anu freeza mi mean (I don’t mean freezer) Wen mi seh mi heart col’ Naa get comfatable now (Not getting comfortable now) Mi waah more (I want more)
(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Verse 2)
(Repeat Chorus 1)
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