Score lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Play!
[Verse 1] Millions nuh fi mi alone (Millions not mine alone) Stick to mi goal (Stick to my goal) Some Franklin million pound Aye, mama neck fi full up a gold (Hey, mama’s neck should full up of gold) Yeah Big up eh Choppa dem (Hail up the Choppas) Weh ringing di phone (That’s ringing the phone) Log eh line, log eh line (Log the line, log the line) Eh jussa wave eh code (It just waving the code)
[Chorus] Kick back chilling at home Memba di dayz wen mi neva ave it (Remember the days when I never have it) Now mi a score (Now I’m scoring) Mi believe inna winning alone (I believe in winning alone) Stimme mi nuh pose mi guh fi wah mi want (Stimme I don’t pose I go for what I want) Play Mash up eh road (Mash up the road) Is like a me dem wah fi live inna hole (Is like it’s me they want to live in hole) Dem medz seh mi pattan (They meditate that my pattern) An’ style dem flood out di phone (And my styles flood out the phone) They been acting like a regular clown (clown)}} Naah pree cash? (Not preeing cash?) Betta yuh bounce (Better you bounce) Millions haffi inna accounts (Millions have to in accounts)
[Verse 2] Dem chew yuh up (They chew you up) Pit like cold Wen dem cyaah get fi use yuh (When they can’t get to use you) Dem nuh si yuh a road (They don’t see you at road) But mi nuh watch nuh face (But I don’t watch no face) Wen yuh si mi a roll (When you see me rollin) (Hmmhu) Dem living life a beg, unuh raise unuh tone (They living life begging, y’all raise y’all tone) Mount a gyal mi have a f**k (Mount of girl I have f**king) A neva touch eh before (Never touch it before) Every event mi f**k up in and out ah mi zone (Every event I f**k up in and out of my zone) Di life mi livin’ get dem corrupt (The life I’m living get them corrupt) But mi riich to di bone (But I’m rich to the bone) Tell dem nuh badda run up di fourteen eh chrome (Tell them don’t bother run up the fourteen it chrome)
[Chorus 2] Wen mi kick back chilling at home (When I kick back chilling at home) Memba di dayz wen mi neva ave it (Remember the days when I never have it) Now mi a score (Now I’m scoring) Mi believe inna winning alone (I believe in winning alone) Stimme mi nuh pose mi guh fi wah mi want (Stimme I don’t pose I go for what I want) Play Mash up eh road (Mash up the road) Is like a me dem wah fi live inna hole (Is like it’s me they want to live in hole) Dem medz seh mi pattan (They meditate that my pattern) An’ style dem flood out di phone (And my styles flood out the phone) They been acting like a regular clown (clown)}} Naah pree cash? (Not preeing cash?) Betta yuh bounce (Better you bounce) Millions haffi inna accounts (Millions have to in accounts)
[Verse 3] Aye watch yah (Hey watch here) Fi money crash yuh get ehh press yah (For money crash you get the press here) Man a reapa money maker (Man is reaper money maker) Wen wi tek out ah mill (When we take out a mill) Wi nuh get nuh lesser (We don’t get no lesser) Di guard up every top ah sen’ da cheque yah (The guard up every top sending the cheque here) Daily dem gyal a blow like a refa (Daily their girl blowing like a referee) Man a soulja (Man’s a soldier) A wi dem prefa (It’s us they prefer) Yuh diss mi mek eh echo (You diss I make it echo) Not a error pan mi name, a mi fi tell yuh (Not an error on my name, it’s me should tell you) Mi nah ease up (I won’t ease up) Caah every mekle mek a mokle (Cause every mekle makes a mokle) Hennesy and ganja Money pack up inna dufle (Money pack up in duffle)
(Repeat Chorus 2)
(Repeat Verse 1)
[Bridge] Big up eh Choppa dem (Hail up the Choppas) Weh ringing di phone (That’s ringing the phone) Log eh line, log eh line (Log the line, log the line) Eh jussa wave eh code (It just waving the code) Bup Bup
(Repeat Chorus 1)
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IWaata's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "Score" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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