Undefeated lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm
[Chorus 1] Man do it without dem ratings (Man did it without their ratings) Jump in di race, (Jump in the race,) An’ dem idiot dem cyan believe it (And those idiots can't believe it) Drop di Benz pon some dare rims (Drop the Benz on some dare rims) Unbothered and undefeated Like di world, then repeat it (Like the world, then repeat it) Suh seh what they wanna seh (So say what they wanna say) Whole heap ah years man ah shame dem, (A lot of years man is shaming them,) Di champ is still reigning (The champ is still reigning) P**sy seh what yuh wanna seh, yeah (P**sy say what you want to say, yeah) Unstoppable, unflappable
[Verse 1] Yuh nah fi like mi, (You don’t have to like me,) Nah fi rate mi (Don’t have to rate me) But mi respect, yah fi gimmi dat Admit it seh mi mek yuh luk like idiot (Admit it that I made you look like idiot) (Hah) Admit it seh yuh seh mi wouldn't buss (Admit it that you said I wouldn’t make it) And wen mi buss, (And when I made it) Yuh seh one year time (You said one year time) Yuh woulda si mi flop (You would see me flop) Beat di odds, Lef’ dem intrigued by mi brilliance (Leave them intrigued by my brilliance) Dem ah wonder how mi dweet, (They are wondering how I do it,) Jus’ e stimulant (Just the stimulant) Inna world by miself, mi ting nuh similar (In a world by myself, my thing not similar) Di champ, (The champ,) Di gyal dem “Nutty buddy”, (The girls’ “Nutty buddy”,) Govi-Govi si mi yah (Govi-Govi see me here) Dem bwoy deyah pickney, (Those boys are children,) Gi’ dem some dribbla an’ some Similac (Give them some dribbler and some Similac) Nuh beg nuh bwoy strength, (Don’t beg any boy strength,) Off ah nuh bwoy ting mi neva piggyback (Off no boy’s thing I never piggy backed) (No) Big up Didi Don, (Hail up Didi Don,) Di platform ah yuh gimmi dat (The platform it’s you whom gave me that) Spain Town di city lock, (Spain Town the city’s lock,) Man tun it up like city rock (Man turn it up like city rock) Five years, ten years, Mi still ah sing hit song (I’m still singing hit songs) Cyan miss, (Can’t miss,) Hit man, thirty-two clip long Wen p**sy love chat, mi call dem Lipton (When p**sy loves to chat, I call them Lipton) Spain town crown mi King Kong (Spain town crown me King Kong)
[Chorus 2] Man duh it without dem ratings (Man did it without their ratings) Jump in di race, (Jump in the race,) An’ dem idiot dem cyan believe it (And those idiots can't believe it) Drop di Benz pon some dare rims (Drop the Benz on some dare rims) Unbothered and undefeated Like di world, then repeat it (Like the world, then repeat it) Suh seh what they wanna say (So say what they wanna say) Whole heap ah years man ah shame dem, (A lot years man is shaming them,) Di champ is still reigning (The champ is still reigning) p**sy seh what yuh wanna say, yeah (p**sy say what you want to say, yeah) 4th Gen tell dem (4th Gen tell them)
[Verse 2] Nuh badda rate mi now, (Dknt bother rate me now,) Mi nuh need it (I don’t need it) (No) Mek yuh comment stay, nuh delete it (Make your comment stay, don’t delete it) (Germs) Five year from now mi wan' yuh read it (Five year from now I want you read it) And feel like ah p**sy (And feel like a p**sy) Well defeated and depleted (Haha) Like di house weh mi buy, (Like the house that I bought,) Ah suh mi dreams big (That's how my dreams big) (Yeah) Bank book ah swell (Bank book is swelling) Like ah steroids man ah feed it (Like man is feeding it steroids) Antisocial, Anuh every man mi deal wid (It’s not every man I deal with) Set mi owna record then beat it, (Set my own of record then beat it,) What’s di secret? (What’s the secret?) Jus’ ah do mi ting, (Just doing my thing,) Nuh business 'bout fi run nuh place (Don’t business about controlling the place) (Yeah, yeah) Strikeforce Ova yasuh ah run wi owna race (Over hear controlling our own of race) Some p**sy only bad pon di Internet}} (Some p**sy only bad on the Internet) Mi buck dem inna real life, (I buck them in real life,) Use mi gun handle and buss dem face (Use my gun hand and burst their face) Try stop mi, set mi goal (Try stop me, set my goal) An’ keep mi eye pon it (And Keep my eye on it) Man ah go high tonic dan di Titanic (Man is going high tonic than the Titanic) Stay evolving an’ keep it dynamic (Stay evolving and keep it dynamic) Build ah world fi miself, (Build a world for myself) Ah just mi and my planet (It’s just me and my planet)
(Repeat Chorus 1)
[Verse 3] Seh wat yuh wanna seh (Say what you want to say) To get some retweets and get some likes On my way to catch some flights Livin' my best young life Di interior in di Benz so nice (The interior in the Benz so nice) Focus nuh f**k, mi keep mi medz suh high (Focus as f**k, I’m keep my meditation so high) Mummy anything yuh wan', (Mommy anything you want,) Mi send ah Cheque, no price (I send a Cheque, no price) Rifle shot and shallow grave, Mi have mi fren dem gi' bwoy (I have my friends them give boy) Suh gwan wait pon reply, (So keep wait on reply,) Mi nuh perform ah fish fry (I don’t perform at fish fry) Nuhn man ah come from, (Nothing man is coming from,) Suh mek mi prospa (Lowe mi) Yah nobody, (Your nobody,) Yuh comment nuh worth ansa (Your comment not worth answer) (P**sy) Three board shot ah Internet gangsta (Three board shot a Internet gangster) (Haha) Strikeforce lead out, Man a monsta (Ándale) Same way dem try fi downplay man ting (Same way they try to downplay man’s thing) Ah same ting dem used to do to Didi (That’s same thing they used to do to Didi) And to Poppi and to Alka Mi neva beg nuh bwoy (I never beg any boy) Fi nuh strength or nuh sponsa (For no strength or any sponsor) Norman Manley, JFK back to Sangster
[Outro] Man do it without dem ratings, yeah (Man do it without their ratings, yeah) P**sy try run up, den bare tings, (P**sy try run up, then a lot of things,) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Guh suck yuh madda wid yuh ratings (Go suck your mother with your ratings) (Yeah, yeah) Jase tell dem suck dem madda (Jade tell them suck their mother) Wid dem ratings (With their ratings) 4th Gen, Strikeforce Govi-Govi, Ándale, Ándale Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
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Govana's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "Undefeated" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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