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Wicked Rule

by Martin Campbell

Wicked Rule lyrics with English Translations

Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule?
Their ways of cheating people, is very cruel I watch with anger, each day by day As police and military, have their way
Oh, why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? I say Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule?
I escape from the hustle of the city, into the hills Where you find life's quieter and seal I've time to realize to myself How beautiful, this world could be If man could only learn to live in harmony
Oh, why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? I say Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule?

Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule?
Oh, why should I and I be oppressed Just because we're differently dressed They say that nature is too wild They say we're talking like a child
Oh, why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? I plead Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule?
Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule our world? They rule our world They spoil our world They rule our world Oh, we're ruled by the devil I say we're ruled by the devil
Why, why Why do the wicked ones rule? I cry Why, why..

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