Dem Nuh Ready Yet lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Ready, ready dem nuh ready yet (Ready, ready, they aren’t ready) Looka looka!! (Look Look) A Leftside Yuh know it's another one Yeah Yeah, and me seh looka look around nuh a weh ugly a guh!! (Yeah Yeah, and I say look look around, where is ugly going!!)
[Chorus] Cause dem nuh ready yet (Because they aren't ready as yet) No dem nuh ready yet (No they aren't ready as yet) Dem nuh ready yet (They aren’t ready as yet) No dem nuh ready yet (No they aren’t ready as yet) Seh dem nuh ready yet (Said they aren’t ready yet) No dem nuh ready yet, all dem a try dem don't ready yet (No they aren’t ready as yet, all they are trying they aren't ready as yet)
[Verse 1] Hey gyal (Hey girl) Gyal a weh you get dah body? coco cola bottle shape (Girl where did you get such body coco cola bottle shape?) Pretty like a barbie everything 'pon your body (Pretty like a barbie everything on your body) Yuh get originally class inna A 'A' nuh B Cardi, Okurrr (You got original class in A it's not B Cardi, Okurrr) Hope say shi full a glamity cock it up inna the air with no gravity your body crazy (Hope that she is fill with glamity c*ck it up in di air with no gravity your body is crazy) Loco, Insanity shi mussi name merlot Loco, Insanity she maybe name Merlot}} Cause she full a winery , so gyal clap it up , clap it up like a dwali weh you do (Because she is fill of winery, so girl clap it up, clap it up like it's dwali what do you do) Whine and bend ova yuh nuh granny whining category (Whine and bend over your not a granny whining category) She win di grammy some gyal a try take it (She won the grammy and some girls are tryna take it) But dem can't get it from shi caah dem nuh (But they can't get it from her because they aren’t)
[Pre-Chorus] Gurl, yuh a number one walk out like a champion none a dem nuh got it like you (Girl, You're Number one walk out like a champion none of them got it like you) Dem nuh hot like you dem nuh shot like you.. dem nuh (They aren’t hot like you they aren't should like you..they aren’t)
(Repeat Chorus)
[Verse 2] Di Dance floor weh shi a hot up (The Dance floor where she is hotting up) Di sweet wine deh need fi pour inna a cup (That sweet wine need to be pour in a cup) Mi love shi a gwaan, mi love how shi act up (I love her behavior, I love how she is acting up) Shi a c*ck up like wen car jack up lockaround (She is cocking up like when car jack up is being lockaround) Shi a buss it like a 7UP behave like Ciara (She is bursting it like a 7UP, behaving like Ciara) Wen shi level up baddest fi di year yah (When she levels up baddest for the yeah yes) Well devil up a she mi a cheer for what a whining queen (Well deviled up, I'm cheering for her as a whining queen) See wat a mean fresh pon di scene (See what I meant Fresh on the scene) Real movie scene lights camera action Mi want a fraction cause fi you whining sell off like a auction sold (I want a fraction because your whining sells off like an auction sold)
[Pre-Chorus] Gurl, yuh a number one walk out (Girl, You're number one walk out) Like a champion none a dem nuh got it (Like a champion none of them has it) Dem nuh hot like you dem nuh shot like you.. dem nuh (They aren’t hot like you they aren't shot like you...They not)
(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Verse1)
[Outro] Caah dem nuh (Because they aren't) Caah dem nuh (Because they aren't) Caah dem nuh (Because they aren't)
(Repeat Chorus)
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"Dem Nuh Ready Yet" Song Info

Live N Livin Sean Paul
- 1. Buss A Bubble (Remix)
- 2. Boom
- 3. Space Ship
- 4. Real Steel
- 5. The Plug
- 6. Dem Nuh Ready Yet
- 7. Crazy
- 8. Schedule
- 9. Money Bag
- 10. Protect Me
- 11. Lion Heart
- 12. Guns Of Navarone (Remix)
- 13. Danger Zone
- 14. Life We Living
- 15. I'm sanctify (Remix)
- 16. Everest
Sean Paul's lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Reggae Translate in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us. "Dem Nuh Ready Yet" lyrics is provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
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