More Fire lyrics with English Translations

[Intro] Ezzy
[Chorus] f**k out yuh hole til yuh cum fimi (f**k out your hole until you come for me) Shub mi hood inna yuh mouth as yuh open eh (Push my d**k in your mouth as you open it) She anuh shelly-ann but shi will run fimi (She ain’t Shelly-ann but she will run for me) A track and field gyal a run dung skilli gyal a liff up like gun wen mi get busy (Track and field girl is running down skilli girl is lifting up like gun when I get busy) She seh “yes Skilli” (She said “yes Skilli”) You and di f**k get ugly (You and the f**k get ugly) Yuh did pretty, f**k litty yuh thick eeh, (You were pretty, f**k litty you’re thick as f**k,) p**sy nuh skinny di gyal a seh yuh cyaah f**k (p**sy isn’t skinny the girl is saying you can’t f**k) And mi more badda long rope deh ya like Rasta a mi a gi uh more fyah (And I’m more bad long rope is here like Rasta I’m giving you more fire)
[Verse 1] Wi nuh affi tie gyal wi nuh know siance (Wi don’t have to obeah girl we don’t know witchcraft) Bring eh p**sy come mi nuh play wid eh, (Bring the p**sy come and I don’t play with it,) Mi a deal wid some more like slavery (I’m dealing with something more like slavery) Every gyal a seh mi hot like bakery (Every girl is saying I’m hot like bakery) Have dem gyal inna mi house shi a play Skilli (Have their girl in my house she’s playing Skilli)
[Break] (People talking) Bbbbbrrrrppp
[Verse 2] Still a win cause every gyal vote fimi (Still winning cause every girl vote for me) Shi neva bow but shi put dung har throat fimi (She never bow but she put down her throat for me) Shi a skin it out more shi love badman no gimmicks (She’s skinning it out more she love gangster no gimmicks) Mi nuh deal wid yuh p**sy like mouth (I don’t deal with your p**sy like mouth)
(Repeat Chorus)
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